Cleveland County Tax Office Preparing for 2025 Property Reappraisal

SHELBY, N.C. –  In June of 2017 County Commissioners passed a resolution placing Cleveland County on a four (4) year cycle for real property evaluations.  This timing aligns with recent notification, in April 2022, from the NC Department of Revenue mandating a county wide reappraisal be conducted by January 1, 2025.  Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 105-286, counties are required to complete a general reappraisal at least every eight years, however, a mandatory advancement of the reappraisal cycle may be required if the county’s sales assessment ratio falls below 85% or increases above 115%.  The County’s current four (4) year cycle and the current sales ratio are both indicators for a 2025 revaluation process. 


Reappraisal is a process by which all properties are reassessed to their market value.  The goal of reappraisal is to distribute the overall tax burden throughout the county in a way that is fair and equitable based on the worth of each property.    With nearly 60,000 parcels throughout the county, a full reappraisal takes approximately two (2) years to complete. Reappraised property values will not be adjusted until 2025.


Since property taxes are based on property value, it is important to make sure the county has the accurate market value for each property.   Without periodic revaluations, some property owners would pay more than their share of property tax while others would pay less.  Revaluation is designed to equalize the assessed value of all properties within the county and its municipalities for the purpose of fairly distributing the tax burden. Its purpose is not to increase taxes.

Market value is defined as “the price estimated in terms of money at which the property would change hands between a willing and financially able buyer and a willing seller, neither being under any compulsion to buy or sell”.

Although the cycle of the revaluation is governed by N.C.G.S. 105-286 and requires approval by the Board of Commissioners, the scheduling and evaluation of property is an operational process legally conducted and directed by the tax assessor’s office.  County tax assessors utilize several tools to assist in the appraisal process including physical visits to properties, software and satellite comparisons, and analytical sales tools.  Site visits include observing the exterior of a property to verify the accuracy of the physical characteristics on record for the property.  Assessors will then compare similar property sales in the area and consider improvements or changes that have been made to the property to determine a fair and equitable market value.  The assessor relies on historical sales, income, and cost data to arrive at an estimate of value.

County Property Appraisers are certified to perform property revaluations by the NC Department of Revenue.  They are well trained with decades of experience and must meet certification requirements. 

Cleveland County Government will be making an intentional effort to inform residents prior to conducting a site visit.  This would include notifications such as door hangers, yard signs in the area, or a physical letter mailed to the property owner.  During any on-site visit, county assessors will display a county identification badge and be in a county vehicle with the appropriate county identification on the vehicle.  In addition, pictures of all County Assessors will be displayed on the county’s website.

For more information, visit the Cleveland County Tax Administrator Website at or by phone at 704-484-4843.