Help Others on Giving Tuesday

After a weekend filled with shopping, today is all about giving.

Giving Tuesday is a day to bring awareness to the thousands of nonprofit organizations that make our communities strong by providing services to people who need them most. From churches to United Way agencies, disaster relief services to special needs programs, from support for seniors to support for families in crisis, please give to the organizations that have touched your family, your life or your community the most.

If you are giving, remember these tips:

1) Give directly to the organization. Do not click on links in emails or give by telephone because you don't know who is on the other end. 
2) Give by credit card or check so that you have a record of your donation. Never wire money or give by pre-paid debit card.
3) Ask how your donations will be used and what percentage of your donation goes directly to programs and services.
4) Give to organizations that have a history of providing programs and services in the community where you live. If you give to a national organization, your donation may not help locally. 
5) Check charities out before you give at